Monday, December 6, 2010

Some things leveled

Over the weekend I managed to get quite a lot moved forward.  And yep I keep confirming that the drop patterns have changed.  One thing I am suspicious of is that they may change yet again with the December update.  We'll see.

At any rate.  I was getting uncomfortable with all my combat jobs being mostly so low.  So I've decided to work on them quite a bit over the next little bit.  My wind crystals were also getting dangerously low.  This means Skull Valley.  I also made some Sentinel's Chainmail.  Blew two sets up.  I'm coming to the conclusion that the problem is my lack of Magical Craftsmanship with the crafting gear I currently sport.  Bear in mind that due to inventory issues I try to get by with a generic crafting set (or as generic as possible for my level).  It doesn't help that I need to upgrade both the armorcraft and smithing main hand tools to their level 17 versions.  Which calls for Oak...  *sigh*, still haven't found any Oak.

Be that as it may.  I got my Marauder to 15, my wood working to 18, my smithing and armorcrafting to 17, clothcrafting to 20 and mining to 21.

I did start the clothcrafting rank 20 quest.  Alchemy is within striking distance as well.

Physical: 42, Hand to hand: 12, Sword: 18, Axe: 15, Archery: 10, Polearm: 11: , Shield: 11, Thaumaturgy: 11, Conjury: 12, Woodworking: 18, Smithing: 17, Armorcraft:17 , Goldsmithing:16 , Leatherworking: 17, Clothcraft20: , Alchemy: 19, Cooking16 , Mining: 21, Botany: 21, Fishing: 17.


  1. What are you using as you crafting/gathering/combat gear? I have ended up with a combination set of the three to save slot space and "changing time".

    I've found it very difficult to get an idea as to what a "godd" set consists of

  2. @jo hey boss

    @wanderingwonder - well the set I posted earlier is pretty spif I find. Just a few posts back

  3. @wanderingwonder but basically you want perception, output and that 3rd gathering bonus on as many of the pieces as you can get.
