Monday, December 20, 2010

Darned cold

As those around me go crazed for the sesonal event, I avoid such activities due to the lack of storage.  I'll worry about the x-mass cheer next year once SE gets the storage and market un-borked.

The weekend consisted mainly of crafting - and finishing off quests.  I finally managed to get plenty of oak logs.  Mainly due to gathering leve quests.  So currently all my tools are rank 17 or 22 except for the fishing rod and the frying pan.  Need to get my rank 22 alembic built but I'll do that soon.  I had to buy the blindfish for the rank 20 alchemists quest but was able to do the weavers quest entirely on my own.

I also finally got some more bat fangs.  Subsequently my archery went from 10 to 13 rather quickly. My physical level hit 45.  Woodworking and Leatherworking also hit 19.  So two more crafts are approaching the 20 barrier.  As I keep doing local and regional leves in the 20~ish area I'm starting to accumulate some guild marks.  The other combat jobs will need to wait until they hit 18-ish but I should be able to start accumulating marks when they get to that area.  Gladiator marks are progressing nicely.  I should be able to buy the first book once I hit gladiator 20 and complete the rank 20 quest.

Physical: 45, Hand to hand: 14, Sword: 18, Axe: 15, Archery: 13, Polearm: 12: , Shield: 12, Thaumaturgy: 11, Conjury: 12, Woodworking: 19, Smithing: 18, Armorcraft:17 , Goldsmithing:17 , Leatherworking: 19, Clothcraft: 21, Alchemy: 20, Cooking17 , Mining: 21, Botany: 22, Fishing: 17.